Welcome to our new website www.mountcalvaryballymoney.co.uk.
We are based in Ballymoney at 34 Ballymena Road, Ballymoney, County Antrim, BT53 7EY.
Mount Calvary Pentecostal Church, is a Bible-believing church, sharing a common faith with millions of Christians around the world, who believe that true Christianity is also people loving each other. People loving their neighbours. People believing that our world can be a better place when hands reach out to help and heal. The church leadership consists of one full-time pastor, elders, and deacons. We have group leaders and Sunday School teachers.
The minister is Pastor Ian Fairley with his wife Iris.
Pastor Fairley has been the minister of Mount Calvary Pentecostal Church from the inception of the church, in 2006
God bless you all
The church board.